The development of a legacy album is a vision shared by several serving and retired members of the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence. As their bios become available they will be posted here. Some,
however, prefer to provide their support anonymously.
This is a large project so we are always looking for more volunteers. Of particular interest are those who served, or who can help us reach out to those who served. Without your stories, there will be no book We also welcome volunteers to help with web design, submission editing, and submission validation. I you are interested, please get in touch. This is a virtual project in many ways, so volunteers are welcome from across Canada and beyond.
Our Volunteers:
- Lt(N) Graham (retired) Bio: Project Coordinator and Web Support
- Captain Susan Magill: Editor
- Col (Ret’d) Andrew Nellestyn: External Relations
- Emilie Faucher: French Editing
- Maj David A.Muralt Bio 2011.doc
- LCdr Kris Phillips, Advisor
- Jennifer Fraser Families of the Fallen Project
- Grant Cree: Media Advisor Edmonton
- Lt(N) David Lewis: Editor
- LCol Mark Gasparotto: CME Champion
- Major Ed Stewart Bio: Embedded Media Liaison
- Rachelle Foss Bio Media and Marketing Edmonton
- Fraser Logan: Social Media
- Cpl Joseph Robb: Web Volunteer
- Patrick O’Hara: Graphics
- Cpl Paul Shapka: Graphics