
If you are one of the many Canadians, military or civilian, who served in the ten year Canadian Afghan Combat Mission, “Afghanistan: A Canadian Story” is your story. Help us tell it. Many of you have expressed support for the project, but have yet to submit. Without your submissions there will be no book. Canadians need and deserve to know the human face of the Afghan Combat Mission. The intent is to publish in time for November 2014. Submissions have to be in months before that date. Don’t be shy. SHARE YOUR STORIES, YOUR IMAGES!

All those planning to submit content for the book “Afghanistan: A Canadian Story” through the web site are requried to register at the site first as a part of the project validation process. Those emailing submissions to consult@mywrdwrx.com or using the facebook group, the youtube group, or the linkedin group, please ensure that you provide the same information specified for registration. It is essential for validation.

This page has been put up by a group of still serving and retired members of the Canadian Forces, and the Department of National Defence, who felt that all those who served in the Afghanistan Combat Mission should have an opportunity to share their stories with Canadians. We intend, with your input and support, to produce a legacy album that chronicles the human face of the ten year mission. To that end we have assembled a volunteer publication team under respected Canadian Publisher John McQuarrie.

The project team originally submitted a project proposal to Directorate of Army Public Affairs (DAPA) in the summer of 2010 and, while it was acknowledged as a worthwhile undertaking, was informed that no funds were available. This is not a DND funded initiative and no funds are being drawn from DND to support the project beyond the periodic use of DWAN email to correspond. Volunteers are working on this in their own time, using their own resources. DHH is also aware of the project.

On the basis of countless conversations we KNOW there are thousands of excellent photographs and hundreds of stories worth sharing. Not everyone, however, has the time, the tools, or the resources to write and publish a book. So for those of you with good stories but no desire to become a bestselling author, this is your opportunity.

We want to help all Canadians who served, military or civilian, to share their unique perspective, their human insights, on the Canadian Afghan Mission.









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